Civic Media Engagers project has brought 3 universities and 3 NGOs from Norway, Finland and Romania together with the aim of increasing youth organizations’/youth workers/educators’ capacity and skills in the field of media literacy for young people, for promoting democratic values and inclusion, and increasing young people’s civic engagement.
To reach these goals, we will develop the following innovative educational resources and publications:
Interactive platform to promote young people’s media projects and media literacy community network among educators and youth workers
We are developing a platform to promote young people’s media projects, but also to develop and promote educational interactive videos that youth workers could use in encouraging young people to create more media, while promoting inclusion and civic participation.
In order to enhance the cooperation between the partners, a joint-staff short-term training course will be organized for partners’ staff. The training course will include activities such as:
Sharing and learning experience among project partners on topics such as conducting research on youth media, digital tools and innovative storytelling tools for supporting youth media participation;
Sharing experience on media youth projects, such as Faktuell from Norsensus Mediaforum;
Sharing experience on using media for more youth civic engagement;
Learning about H5P technology for teaching and educational interactive videos, etc.
Training toolkit for youth workers and educators
We will develop a training toolkit for youth workers to be used as complementary to the guide. In supporting youth media projects, youth workers will need to train young people on topics such as storytelling, visual storytelling, photography and filmmaking, photo or video-editing, interviewing, designing media campaigns, organizing teams and projects, etc., but also on topics related to civic and democratic participation. This training toolkit will include workshop scenarios that youth workers can use in training young people on these topics and fully prepare them on developing media projects.
Guide for developing youth media projects for civic participation
We will develop an interactive guide on how to develop media projects with young people for civic participation, for youth workers/educators and youth organizations, using the experience of the partner organizations.
Training curriculum for youth workers/educators
We develop a training curriculum for youth workers/educators on media education and media production tools for civic participation, with practical topics, such as interactive educational videos, filmmaking, augmented reality, photo-editing, multimedia creation, storytelling tools, etc.
This training curriculum will be piloted with a group of 21 youth workers and educators from the partner countries (7 participants per country), in the frame of a transnational training activity
Research on youth media literacy
- Research on young people’s participation in media, for the partner countries in the project;
- Research on young people’s civic participation in the partners’ countries;
- Assess/research the young people’s competence level in terms of media participation, in the partner countries;
- Map the non-formal media projects run by young people and media education projects run by youth organizations/other educational institutions from the partner countries.
Who is behind the project?
Our story started in 2019 with a creative friends talk and the project has been put into action with participation of the inspiring people from University of South Eastern Norway (coordinator), University of Helsinki, Babes Bolyai University, Fundatia Danis, The Finnish Society on Media Education (Mediakasvatusseura), and Norsensus Mediaforum. We had also financial support of Aktiv Ungdom Erasmus+.