Interactive Content
Be creative and experience creating exciting formats such as interactive videos, AR experiences, flashcards, puzzles, games and presentations.
Interactive Map
You can create interactive maps to visualize different data
Social story
Web-based version of the popular visual Story format.
Here you can upload or embed podcasts and audio stories. It can be your own work or your favorite podcast show from Spotify, Soundcloud or other audio services.
Mix text with images and embeds
MP4 or YouTube embed, Vimeo, Dailymotion, etc.
A collection of images
Create a funny pic
Ranked list
Everyone can vote up for the best list item
Trivia quiz
What do you know about …?
Personality quiz
What type of person are you?
One or multiple questions about a subject or person
A poll where each question has two competing answers
Hot or Not
A poll where each question has two opposite answers
Interactive Map
You can create interactive maps to visualize different data