
Welcome to Copenhill

Copenhill, or Amager Hill is a combined heat and power waste-to-energy plant and sports facility that was constructed in 2017 in Copenhagen, with an estimated 670$ million in costs and an expected efficiency of 400.000 tons of municipal waste processed each year. The new Copenhill was built upon the old incineration plant in Amager and sports an innovative feature on top of its massive structure – a sports facility designed by the Bjarke Ingels Group which features an 85m tall ski slope. The power plant’s purpose is to convert waste to energy and distribute it to local households, boasting a filtration system that reduces sulphur emissions as a result of the incineration by 99.5% which makes it one of the cleanest incineration plants in the world. Another feature of Copenhill is that its chimneys are designed to release smoke rings (with a high concentration of vapor mainly) rather than continuously exhale actual polluting smoke in the atmosphere. The power plant’s sport facility is open for booking and visits within working hours here.

This media content was created as a part of Nordic level youth project about SDGs and youth media, supported by Norden 0-30 programme and a a partnership between Norsensus Mediaforum (Norway), Awesome People (Sweden) and City of Helsinki (Finland). Read more about the project here!



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